
Showing posts from January, 2012

REMINISCENCES OF GROWING UP IN A LPG”ised (Liberalized, Privatised and Globalised) INDIA!!!!

REMINISCENCES  OF  GROWING  UP  IN  A  LPG”ised (Liberalized, Privatised and Globalised) INDIA!!!! I  grew  up  in  an  LPG’ised  India.Early  morning  today  while  browsing  through  Radio’s  FM’s  to  tune  the  song  of  my  “choice”-I  felt  a  déjà-vu. I  am  not  used  to  hearing  FM’s  but  I  do  remember  fondly  the  days  when  AIR  was  tuned  in  to  hear  the  morning/evening  news  and  special  shows  in  the  weekends.  Those  were  the  days  where  AIR  was  the  default  option  of  entertainment  for  most  of  us. Today, in a  relatively  small tier-II city  like ranchi-we  a...


                                                      Gender Inequality Gender inequality   refers to disparity between individuals due to gender . Gender inequality   is defined  both socially through social interactions and stratifications  as well as biologically through differences in  chromosomes and hormones. It is the unequal distribution of a society’s wealth, power, and privilege between females and males. Around the mid-nineteenth century until nowadays, three beliefs about women and men have prevailed as part of biology or evolution. “One, men and women have different psychological and sexual natures, two- men are inherently the dominant or superior sex, and three – both male female difference and male dominance are natural.”   Considering these three beliefs, women experience gender inequality in diff...